SCRP (Security Camera Registration Program)
Do you have a doorbell camera, security video cameras or other recording devices on your property? If the answer is yes, we would like to hear from you!
SCRP (Security Camera Registration Program) allows residents and businesses to partner with the DeWitt Police in using technology to help solve crimes. This program allows community residents and businesses that have doorbell cameras, security video cameras or other recording devices on their property to register the locations and capabilities of the cameras with the police department. Participation in SCRP is completely voluntary and there is no fee or cost. Additionally, the DeWitt Police Department will never have or request direct or remote access to any camera(s) or systems, and will only document the locations of the cameras and owner contact information as provided. Finally, all registration information is kept confidential and only accessible to law enforcement personnel.
Registration is simple and can be done three different ways:
By going online to https://polaris.cameraregistry.net/registry/dewittiapolice
By calling the DeWitt Police Department at (563)-659-3145 Monday – Friday from 8:00am -3:00pm
Or simply by scanning the QR code with your smart phone.
Animal Control: The DeWitt Police Department is responsible for animal control functions for stray or lost / found dogs and cats within the city limits of DeWitt. Unclaimed animals in the Police Department pound are available for adoption by contacting the DeWitt Police Department. DeWitt residents are required to purchase an animal license annually for each dog and /or cat that they own. Registrations and renewals are due each year by April 1st with costs of $10 for each spayed / neutered animal and $30 for unaltered pets.
Police Reserves: The DeWitt Police Department is complimented by a Police Reserve Officer Unit made up of volunteers who are trained reserve police officers. The DeWitt Police Reserve Unit assists DeWitt Police Officers with maintaining the safety of DeWitt as well as providing a variety of police services for the community. Services include security at school events and functions, traffic control for parades and community events, security for the annual Clinton County 4-H show and other special requests. The nominal fee that the reserve unit charges for these services is deposited into an account for purchase of equipment used by the reserve officers.
Fingerprinting: Fingerprinting services are available for a nominal fee by appointment.
Salvage Vehicle Inspections: Salvage vehicle inspections are done by appointment only. Prior to an appointment, please have the affidavit of salvage vehicle repairs form completed and the $50.00 fee paid with the Iowa DOT. Please bring a valid driver's license, the bill of sale, the Iowa title for the vehicle and all receipts from repairs made to the vehicle with you to your inspection. To complete the affidavit and pay the DOT fee or for frequently asked questions, please click this link https://iowadot.gov/mvd/vehicleregistration/salvage. You can call 563-659-3145 for an inspection appointment.
Special Operations: The DeWitt Police Dept. provides a variety of facets for monitoring crime including a School Resource Officer Program, ATV and Bike Patrol.
Citizen Police Academy (CPA): An 8 - week program designed to "Promote Understanding Through Education” The program allows citizens to walk in the steps of a DeWitt Police Officer. Please pickup a CPA brochure if you are interested in being part of this educational and exciting program.
If you moved to DeWitt from out of state: please remember that Iowa law requires you to obtain an Iowa driver license and Iowa license plates for your vehicles within 30 days of establishing residency. Please see visit the Iowa DOT for more details.